by caravanning with kids | NEWS, Vacationer Caravans
Over 10,000km in outback & far north Queensland with our Vacationer Caravans Rough Rider. One of the questions we got asked daily was HOW MUCH DUST GOT IN YOUR VAN?…and How did you prepare your van for the dirt roads? When we returned, we shot this little...
by caravanning with kids | Family Van Reviews, NEWS, Uncategorized, Vacationer Caravans
When buying a caravan, we all have our wish lists. That piece of paper that continues to get added to each time you see something cool online or at a caravan show. The list seems to get longer and longer, then shorter and shorter as you realise what you...
by caravanning with kids | Vacationer Caravans
The day we picked up our Vacationer Caravans Rough Rider 226C was one of the happiest days for our family. Like every other Australian, COVID threw a massive spanner in our planned adventures for 2020 and after being stuck in lockdown, we could not wait to collect our...
by caravanning with kids | Family Van Reviews, NEWS, Uncategorized
Did you know that Royal Flair Caravans have over 70 years experience in the Caravan Industry! WOAH! Established by the Deralas family back in 1975, caravans and off road adventure runs through the veins of everyone on the team. We have been lucky enough to get to...
by caravanning with kids | Family Van Reviews, Uncategorized
When we speak to people about camper trailers, a name that always pops up is Mars Campers. Many comment about their great layouts and affordability. Over the years, despite being full caravan owners, we love checking out the campers on the market. Some of them are...
by caravanning with kids | Family Van Reviews, Uncategorized
Nova Caravans has been around since 2006, when Rob Cataldo turned his dream into reality. With over 20 years experience in the caravan industry, Rob was excited to create his own “brand of luxury touring caravans showcasing his unique personal flavour with a...
by caravanning with kids | Family Van Reviews, Uncategorized
When we reviewed an Essential Caravan in Winter 2017, we knew we were in for a treat! We had met David & Scotty (the brains behind this up & coming brand) on numerous occasions and they OOZE passion and have an abundance of knowledge when it comes to building...
by caravanning with kids | Family Van Reviews, NEWS
When What’s Up Downunder told us we would be towing the JB Caravans Scopion Sting on Summer Series in Nov 2017 to the Eyre Peninsula in SA (read more about this gorgeous region here), we were so excited. We had heard amazing things about their caravans, especially...
by caravanning with kids | Family Van Reviews
Grant Cruiser 22ft Family Van by Essential Caravans – This is what we thought! This was a “Live it, Breathe it” review that we were super excited about. Not only were we going to enjoy some Winter caravanning adventured, but we were heading off in a caravan...
by caravanning with kids | Family Van Reviews
When the “Caravanning with Kids” family were asked to road test the New Age Caravans Gecko 18ft Family van as part of the What’s Up! Downunder Summer Series, we were so excited. We have admired the New Age caravan range for quite some time and they rated number...