[ Game Changer! ] Have you heard of Fuelcharge?
Add this App to your essentials for outback travel…here’s why!
When we were making our way from Julia Creek to Boulia during our Outback Queensland adventure, we followed the GPS and had one of those ‘detours’. You know the ones, the ones that take you down roads that you would never normally go down and you are left wandering WTF and by the time you realise what’s happening, you are already halfway along and the best action is to just keep driving and PRAY! Yup…we had one of those.

Over 100kms of dirt, bumps, corrugations, little water crossings and kangaroos galore. No probs, our Vacationer Caravans Rough Rider handled it like a dream and the kids were engrossed in their movie. For the first time, we were carrying fuel onboard, so we weren’t worried.
We came out the other side and used one jerry can of fuel, which would easily get us to Boulia where we planned to fill up before heading towards Bedourie to fill up again before heading to Birdsville for the Big Red Bash.

We knew the fuel stops would be busy with Bash traffic, but we didn’t expect to arrive in Boulia and have signs of NO MORE FUEL! Oh crap – we didn’t have enough juice to get to Bedourie and we couldn’t really wait another 24hrs or we would miss early entry at the Bash… PICKLE!
There were 6 other rigs in the same boat. I got out to chat with the rig next door and they told us about Fuelcharge and pointed out that there was a bowser across the road. We all bolted!
What was Fuelcharge?
Fuelcharge is a mobile app that lets you fill with fuel, 24/7, even in the most remote locations! Simply download the app, add all your details and away you go. The App unlocks the bowser, you fill up and it charges your nominated account.
GAME CHANGER in the outback. We all filled up, spread the word to all the other rigs and left a queue of 12 caravans at the bowser. We had never heard of the app and (surprisingly) none of the other travellers were aware of it either. The bulk of our caravanning adventures have been in Victoria, so maybe if we had done more outback travel, we might have heard of it?

Over the next 5 weeks in outback Queensland we continued to use it and found bowsers in the smallest and most remote towns. No queues, it didn’t matter what time we rolled in or out of town and most of the time it was the cheapest fuel as well.
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